Skin Health



Achieve a More Youthful and Healthy Appearance With Ohio Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and Skin Health Center

At our plastic surgery clinic and cosmetic surgery clinic in Marysville and Worthington, OH, Ohio Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and Skin Health Center offers a variety of services to promote skin health and overall well-being. Our aesthetic treatments are all designed to help you create a more youthful appearance on the face and neck. The non-surgical treatments offered through our establishment include everything from skin tightening to color and texture rejuvenation and collagen formation. Learn more about all our available services and how we can help you with your skin care!

Schedule your skin health consultation today!

Are you ready to take control of your skin health and enhance your features? Schedule your skin health consultation today!

We'll complete a photo-imaging assessment using Reveal. This device looks at the skin’s superficial and deep layers to assess brown spots, fine lines and wrinkles, acne, pore size, skin tone and texture, ultraviolet light sun damage, skin laxity, enlarged pore size, and redness. These results will guide us in developing a personalized treatment plan.

Our areas of focus include: Skin Health and Rejuvenation, Rosacea, Melasma, and Acne. Your overal skin health will focus on strengthening the skin barrier, increasing cell turnover to transform dull skin into a more youthful, glowing complexion, increasing collagen production, and correcting tone and texture issues. We also include dietary recommendations that promote skin and overall health.

We are not a replacement for your annual dermatology appointments. Our interventions target healthy skin which results in an aesthetically pleasing outcome and an overall healthier state.

Ohio Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and Skin Health Center Procedure Information

Botulinum or Neuromodulator Injections are designed to temporarily remove facial lines and wrinkles, usually in the forehead and around the eyes.

A combination of hyaluronic acid products that are injected into deep wrinkles to improve facial appearance and add volume.

A minimally invasive topical therapy for face and neck rejuvenation which tightens the skin, reducing lines and wrinkles.

Peels are topical medications designed to improve the texture, color, and vitality of the skin.

Broadband light therapy (or photofacial) is designed to brighten your facial complexion, improve color and minimize the appearance of sun damage. It also treats rosacea, acne, and scarring.

SkinTyte helps to tighten and firm areas of loose skin anywhere on the body using infrared light.

Our Eyelash Treatments is the first FDA-approved treatment to increase the length and fullness of the eyelashes.  Eyelash Treatments are a topical medication applied to the upper eyelashes daily.

ZO® Skin Health offers the highest quality products for creating and maintaining healthy skin for all patients regardless of age, ethnicity, or skin type.

BBL HERO performs full body treatments on large areas like the back, legs, and arms in as little as three minutes. BBL HERO stands for BroadBand Light High Energy Rapid Output, and it's a cutting-edge technology that has revolutionized the world of non-invasive cosmetic treatments.

Sciton Moxi Laser is a state-of-the-art, non-invasive laser system designed to address a variety of common skin concerns, providing a safe and effective way to revitalize your skin.

In the quest for youthful, radiant skin, people are often willing to explore various treatments and products. One promising method gaining popularity is Red Light Therapy (RLT), now offered at our Skin Health Center in Worthington. It might sound like science fiction, but this non-invasive treatment has scientific backing and can work wonders for your skin.

Hair reduction can be completed anywhere on the body quickly and gently. Hair reduction therapy targets hair follicles for the purpose of selectively destroying them while leaving the surrounding skin intact. Treatment decreases the amount of hair growth by 60-90% on average. Between 4-12 treatments spaced 4-8 weeks apart is recommended for maximum results. *Does not work on blonde hair.

In the ever-evolving world of beauty and skincare, staying ahead of the curve is vital to achieving the best possible results. Fortunately, advances in technology have made it easier than ever to assess the health and quality of your skin. One such breakthrough is the facial analysis offered by Reveal.

Benefits of Investing in Aesthetics & Skin Care

Investing in aesthetic treatments for the neck and face can have a number of benefits. These treatments from Ohio Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and Skin Health Center can help to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin, giving you a more youthful and refreshed look. They can also help to improve skin texture and tone, reducing the appearance of age spots, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation. Our different aesthetic treatments for the neck and face can help to improve self-confidence and self-esteem, as many people tend to feel more attractive and self-assured when they are happy with their appearance! Let our plastic surgery clinic help make this a reality for you!

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Which Aesthetic Treatment Is Right for You?

How do you know which of our aesthetic treatments is right for your skin concerns? The cosmetic surgery professionals at Ohio Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and Skin Health Center will listen to your concerns and can provide recommendations to achieve your ultimate goals. While our plastic surgery clinic’s treatments vary, our overall mission is to improve the texture, appearance, and brightness of your skin. Let us help you identify which option is best for your skin type!

Which Aesthetic Treatment Is Right for You?

Discover how our cosmetic surgery professionals can help address your skin care and aesthetic treatment needs! Contact us today to schedule your consultation!